Proud of our Lowell Leaders ~ zero referrals for the month of March! They had a great time celebrating! Keep up the good work CORE Superheroes! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Lowell Leaders
Lowell Leaders
Lowell Leaders
Lowell Leaders
Students in Mrs. Reid’s class read an article about littering. They collaborated with partners to fill in their graphic organizer about the important points of why we should not litter. They will use their graphic organizer to write their essay. What great writers!#wearethekey
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
A big thank you to Sheldon Day and WCHS football players for visiting our 4th graders today! Great role models with a great message - listen, learn, make good choices, college. Pathway to success! #WEaretheKey
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Sheldon Day
WCHS Football Player
Sheldon Day
WCHS Football Players
Students in Mrs. Elliott’s class read about minerals in science. Students had “Intellectual Conversations” with partners and shared with the whole class. They are great learners and thinkers. #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
  Intellectual Conversations
Anchor Chart
Intellectual Conversations
We are SO excited to be back to Lowell, working and learning. Second graders were busy reading, reviewing skills, discussing CORE procedures, and so much more!! We are all superheroes!! #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
Back to school
Back to school
Back to school
Back to school
Looking forward to seeing all of our Lowell Leopards tomorrow, Monday, April 1! We are ready to have a great 4th quarter! #finishstrong #lowellsuperheroes #WEaretheKey
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Welcome Back!!
Here is our latest Lowell Lantern! Enjoy your spring break! We will see everyone back at Lowell on Monday, April 1, 2019.
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Students in Ms. Schaumburg’s class finished their Dr. Seuss unit today by dressing up, sharing their posters, reading stories, and a fun parade!! #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Students in LE4 finished their Dr. Seuss unit today by dressing up, sharing their posters, listening to Mrs. V read, and a fun parade!! #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
Dr. Seuss
Thank you Mrs. V!
Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss
Our 1st Graders celebrated Dr. Seuss today with a Parade! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Dr. Seuss Parade
Dr. Seuss Parade
Dr. Seuss Parade
Lowell students enjoyed their Core celebrations today ~ choice between movie, craft, and chrome books. Well deserved day of fun!! Lowell students rock!! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Core Celebration
Core Celebration
Core Celebration
Core Celebration
Congratulations to Ms. Presley ~ winner of the Apple pencil!! #WEaretheKey
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Apple Pencil Winner!!
Students in Mrs. Crump’s class were reading in comfort. They were comparing and contrasting two stories by collaborating and sharing evidence from the stories. What great readers!! #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
Welcome to the Museum of Knowledge presented by Rooms 22 and 23! Wow! They have been so busy learning this quarter! Proud of their hard work and effort! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
Students in Mrs. Heidenreich's class LOVED listening to guest readers this week. Students listened to repetitive books and books written by Dr. Seuss. Thank you so much guest readers! #wearethekey #LowellSuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Christy Hartman
Ms. Reedus
Ms. Reedus
Miss Mitchell
Miss Hartman
Welcome to the Museum of Knowledge presented by Rooms 22 and 23! Wow! They have been so busy learning this quarter! Proud of their hard work and effort! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
Museum of Knowledge
It’s not too late to complete our PARENT SURVEY! Survey closes on Friday, March 15. Please take a few minutes to complete if you have not done so. We value your feedback!!…
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Patent Survey
Lowell Robotics teams are going to Worlds! We are so excited! We are raising money to help support our trip to Worlds in Louisville. Any & all donations are appreciated!!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Mark your calendars! This is a fun family event! Hope to see many Lowell families in attendance! #WEaretheKey #lowellsuperheroes
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin
Lowell Lantern for the Week of March 11, 2019
almost 6 years ago, Kim Griffin